2010 - 2011
FUNRATE is an NGO that provides artistic, muralism and leadership workshops and programs as a medium for at-risk-youth to contribute to the dialogue surrounding issues in their communities. H.O.L.A.S. fundraised over $5,000 for the continuation and expansion of FUNRATE's programs in Esteli.
Emergency earthquake relief for the communities affected by the February 27, 2010 earthquake off the coast of the Maule and Biobio region. H.O.L.A.S contributed over $8,000, half of which was donated to Chile.
Emergency earthquake relief by collaborating with various other clubs at Carleton University in the Haiti Relief Campaign to raise funds for the Humanitarian Coalition which umbrellas Care Canada, Oxfam Canada and Quebec, Plan Canada, and Save the Children Canada. H.O.L.A.S raised over $9,000 from our first event which was then matched by the Canadian government for a total donation of over $18,000. Our second event raised over $8,000, half of which was donated to Partners In Health for their long-term development efforts in Haiti.
2008 - 2010
Expansion of en orphanage Sociedad Amigos de los Niños (SAN). With our contribution of over $14,000, H.O.L.A.S provided 15 homeless children with shelter and protection through the construction of a new house.
A new opportunity for a child soldier. H.O.L.A.S sponsored 4 children formerly involved in armed groups to stay in Canada for two months.
El Salvador
School Kitchen in Ahuachapan (Cocina Escolar). H.O.L.A.S helped build a new kitchen in an elementary school where students' meals are prepared daily. The previous kitchen was unhygienic and suffered from poor ventilation.